The A-Team

In 3301, a bunch of Asshats were sent to an Asylum, accused of being completely bonkers when they were only a bunch of misfits, drunks and idiots trying to have some fun. These Commanders promptly escaped from The Maximum Security Loony Bin to the Galactic Underground. Today, still wanted by the Lunatic Asylum management for not paying their bar tab, they survive as soldiers of Mis-fortune.
If you have a problem, if no one else thinks you’re sane, and if you can find them, maybe you can Join… the Asshat-Team.



The Team

The A-Team is a group of Elite Dangerous Commanders who love to have fun doing whatever it is that they want to do. We can be found Trading, Doing missions, Exploring, Combat, or just blasting around a planet in an SRV.

We have been described as a bunch of 12 year olds tearing around the woods on dirt bikes. We tend to get a little rowdy, and laugh a lot. People say we are doing it wrong. We say “No, we are doing it OUR way!”

We are:

cmdr bob bushmancmdr dudley_dawgcmdr kharmacmdr tor tordencmdr mikey dcmdr al 2CmdrLoriathSockFiddlerAsteconn

And we are all a little nutz 🙂

The Story So Far

And so it Grows…..

We have had a small influx of New Members to the team in the last week. Seems the lull of people-not-crazy-enough-to-join-us is over and we have some real Nutters on-board now. Welcome aboard to Socks, Asteconn (aka: Not-Dave) and Qpidstunt. They have all survived more than one session with this band of misfits and drunkards, …

Videos and Streams

We have made a few videos and stream on occasion. Hopefully we can do more streaming in the near future. I try to make all the streams available afterwards on my YouTube channel. Both Tor and Kharma have YouTube channels that they post content to.


April 23, 3303
With the latest addition of Cmdr. The A-Team we now have a private group that we can call our own.

Although we are generally easy going and spend a hell of a lot of time in the Mobius Group, we wanted our own little sandbox to play in for those times that we want to break the rules.

The group is by invitation only to A-Team members, so if you want to have some fun with us, contact us in game, join our Discord Server and come and laugh your ass off.

Join Us

Feel like coming along and having a blast with us?

We do have a couple of rules. They are simple.

  1. We are here to have fun. If what we are doing is not fun, say so, we can do other things.
  2. We Help each other. Need to unlock an Engineer?, Make some cash? We will help.
  3. Don’t spoil another players game. Sure we shoot each other, but we aren’t going to cost you a rebuy of your ship. That’s just wrong.
  4. Don’t be easily Offended. We are equal opportunity offenders and have been know to say unpopular, politically incorrect things. Yes we may even call you an Ass at times. We ARE the Asshat Team, right?


Still want to join us? Well there are a number of ways to contact us.

Email: AssHatTeam @ Gmail or on our Discord Server.

In Game Send a message to one of us:

Cmdr. Loriath, Cmdr. Kharma, Cmdr. Dudley_Dawg, Cmdr. TorTorden

Or post in our thread on the Mobius PVE forums.

You can also check out our Twitch Channel or one of our Youtube channels here (Loriath), here (Kharma) or here (Tor). 

There is also our Discord Server. MATURE ONLY